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A.P. Alpha Class

November 8, 2020

Sister Ayrdna #4


Pooja Upadhyay

Status: Alumna

Major: Marketing

Minor: Fashion & Retail Studies and International Business

Why DPO: DPO gave me the opportunity to be part of an incredible sisterhood where I can network with other hardworking and ambitious women and always gain inspiration myself as well as inspire others. Along with growing personally and professionally, DPO allows me to stand closer to the initiative of children’s education and literacy, which I truly value and hope to bring more awareness to.

Big: Divya Srivastava, Rho Chapter

Sister Email:

Sister Zameera #6


Status: Alumna

Major: Microbiology

Why DPO: I joined DPO seeking a deeper connection to my culture and with girls that are more similar to me! I have found a little home with my sisters on campus and I couldn’t be more grateful to have such a supportive and hype group of friends!

Big: Devki Patel, OSU Colony

Sister Email:

Yalini Ramamoorthy


Vishakha Gupte

Sister Ziva #9

Status: Alumna

Major: Chemistry

Why DPO: DPO led me to a group of girls who support each other and have similar values as me. I chose DPO because of the variety of opportunities, such as forming genuine connections and giving back to the community. DPO is a space for strong women to grow into the best versions of themselves.

Big: Krishna Brucia, OSU Colony

Sister Email:

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For more information about our National Sisterhood, click here

Website Created by Krishna Brucia & Jill Patel 2020. Revised by Alyssa Ledesma 2020. 

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