Pyrena Founding Class
B.R.I.A. Beta Class
April 5, 2021

Raman Sidhu
Sister Astrelle #2
Status: Alumna
Major: Health Sciences
Minor: Biology
Why DPO: Joining DPO helped me find meaningful friendships and connection. Being a part of of a group of such hardworking women helps me gain inspiration by being a part of this sisterhood. DPO also allows us to represent out South Asian backgrounds, and passionately five back to where we came from.
Big: Shreiya Veedulamudi, OSU Colony
Sister Email: dpo.astrelle@gmail.com
Sister Selene #5

Sanjana Vivekanandan
Status: Alumna
Major: Biology
Minor: Bioethics, Global Public Health
Why DPO: I joined DPO to meet and develop a network of like minded women who have been through similar experiences as me while also getting the opportunity to express my passion for South Asian social advocacy
Big: Resha Panda, OSU Colony
Sister Email: dpo.selene5@gmail.com