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Do I have to be South Asian to join?
Absolutely not! While we are a South Asian interest sorority, we are not exclusively South Asian. We are proud to be an extremely diverse organization with sisters of all ethnic and racial backgrounds. We pride ourselves on making strong, diverse female leaders!

Why Delta Phi Omega?
There are many reasons to join Delta Phi Omega! We are an academic, social, and service oriented sisterhood. We host a variety of social events, have mixers with other Greek organizations, we know how to balance everything and still put sisterhood first! Aside from this, sisters are also very involved with community service. Through these events, sisters create strong bonds that they will keep with them for life. Check out our sisters page here to see what sisters have to say about Delta Phi Omega! 

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What are the minimum requirements to join Delta Phi Omega?
Because Delta Phi Omega places great importance on academics, all individuals are required to have a minimum Grade Point Average of 2.5. Additionally, each member is required to be a full time student at the Ohio State University. 

What is Delta Phi Omega's policy on alcohol and hazing?
Delta Phi Omega has a very strict policy in regards to alcohol and illicit substances. The sorority does not tolerate the consumption of alcohol by any sister at Delta Phi Omega events or programs. Sisters are forbidden from consuming alcohol while representing our organization. Individual of legal age are barred from drinking, and each sister is held accountable for her actions at each event. In addition, Delta Phi Omega has a very strict zero tolerance policy when it comes to hazing, which is in accordance with the Ohio State University's policy. 

Is it expensive to be in Delta Phi Omega?
While other sororities can have dues that are upwards of $1000, Delta Phi Omega's do not. Our dues are generally about $180 per semester and will cover the costs of national expenses, insurance, and events. We heavily rely on fundraising for remaining costs. We emphasize that finances should never be a reason why a potential sister may not be able to join so for any financial concerns, anyone is more than welcome to reach out to our treasurer! 

How will being in Delta Phi Omega affect my grades?
Only in a positive manner! Academia is first and foremost the priority in college, and Delta Phi Omega ensures that a high standard of grades is held. There are mandatory study hours in place, and each sister and new member is required to spend adequate amounts of time studying. Our sorority also provides a huge network of alumna and other active members that can frequently pass down helpful study material, mentorship, and tips for ensuring success. 

What is the difference between traditional Panhellenic Sororities and Multicultural Sororities?
The main difference is the focus on culture and diversity. As a multicultural organization, Delta Phi Omega believes in the celebration of different cultures--racial, ethnic, or religious. We are part of the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) on campus. Another difference is the size of our organizations. Multicultural organizations tend to have smaller chapters/charters compared to Panhellenic organizations. Delta Phi Omega believes that sisterhood bonds are stronger and shared with everyone as a result of the size of the sisterhood. Our charters/chapters range from 5 – 45 members at any given time. Lastly, our dues are much less since, majorly speaking, multicultural organizations do not carry the financial burden of maintaining privately owned sorority houses and other large expenses that come with large membership numbers.

How do I join Delta Phi Omega?
Recruitment is about finding a home away from home, and that is what we want Delta Phi Omega to be for you!
Click here to contact us for any questions! 

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For more information about our National Sisterhood, click here

Website Created by Krishna Brucia & Jill Patel 2020. Revised by Alyssa Ledesma 2020. 

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